Do You Remember?

by Spader Volsung

Do you remember the first time you skinned your knee
Do you remember the first time you were stung by a bee
Do you remember the first time you played in the snow
Do you remember the first time you picked up rocks to throw
Do you remember the first time your ankles felt the current of mountain streams
Do you remember the first time you felt the rush of adventure not in dreams
Do you remember the first time you got lost
Do you remember the first time you felt the bite of frost
Do you remember the first time you felt dirt on your face
Do you remember the first time you realized your parent’s grace
Do you remember the first time you jumped in a pile of leaves
Do you remember the first time you fell from tree
Do you remember the first time you ascended mountaintop grand
Do you remember the first time you felt too tired to stand
Do you remember the first time you felt waves over your head
Do you remember the first time the moon and the stars relieved your sense of dread
Do you remember the first bonfire, the first s’more
I remember all this, and so much more
And cannot imagine a childhood spent masked and indoors