
What is Æring Press?

The goal of Æring Press is to collect, preserve and present written works that would otherwise be lost to the internet. We want to gather together works that are otherwise strewn across various archives or caches, to provide a robust and reliable home on the internet for them, and to present them in a beautiful way that makes for a convenient and delightful reading experience.

What does Æring mean?

Æring is an Old English word that means dawn or early morning or even earliness. In fact the word early derives from Old English ærlice, literally ær-like, with the æring being the embodiment of the quality ær. Earliness is in a sense the quality of being similar to the æring.

Do you sell books?

No, we do not currently sell physical or electronic books. Everything on this website is free.

Can I publish something on this website?

Yes, get in contact with us at [email protected] or @aeringpress@poa.st and we’ll see what we can do. We are especially interested in hearing from you if your work was partly serialised on The People’s Samizdat, and you want the rest of it to be published.

I wrote one of the works on this website, and I want you to take it down

Email us at [email protected] or DM us at @aeringpress@poa.st and we can sort something out. As much as we want to keep these works of art alive, we also respect the wishes of the original creators.

What tools did you use to generate the ePub and PDF files? Can I use them to publish my own work?

This entire website, including the PDF and ePub files were generated with Pandoc and Tectonic. The source files are available on GitGud. Feel free to adapt the tools and scripts there for your own use. It’s not very well documented, so please ask if you have any issues.